Leelanau Almanac for the Week of March 23-29, 2006

Crocus Photo by Mike Field

We’ve seen some crocuses around (thanks Mike Field for the photo – click the pic for more!) but most everything else is still sensibly tucked away. There have been a TON of seagulls sitting on the ice (as in this Leland Report shot from last week). I guess the big “News from the Wild World” for the week was seeing a mature bald eagle swoop across Leland’s Main Street yesterday, headed towards Lake Michigan. I’ve heard reports from several people of a nesting pair about 3/4 mile north of Leland on the clay cliffs.

Click “more” for weather & news highlights from the week!

News from the Week

The big news from the week was that we started a blog. From now on, we’ll be using it for the daily news and weather and also to post photos, feature articles and all kinds of other stuff. We’re hoping that it will make Leelanau.com a lot more interesting and an even better resource. The blog also allows people to comment on stories and on our Weekly Almanac. If everyone behaves, we might even be able to bring back the Leelanau Forum!

Other stories from the week included the kickoff of the Save Leelanau Farmland campaign, a feature from the Michigan Land Use Institute about Lake Leelanau-based OneUpWeb’s struggles with local zoning, and an update on collaboration between Leelanau County schools.

Click for the News Archive from Last Year!

The Week’s Weather

Thursday, March 23, 2006: Mostly cloudy, flurries and 30s (37Ëš/24Ëš)
Friday, March 24, 2006: Cloudy, light snow & 30s (39Ëš/33Ëš)
Saturday, March 25, 2006: Cloudy, light snow/rain & upper 30s (41Ëš/32Ëš)
Sunday, March 26, 2006: Mostly sunny & 40s (46Ëš/27Ëš)
Monday, March 27, 2006: Mostly sunny & upper 40s (51Ëš/23Ëš)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006: Mostly sunny & upper 40s (48Ëš/23Ëš)
Wednesday, March 29, 2006: Sunny & 50s (55Ëš/25Ëš)