Lake Michigan ... anticipation

Meteors & Moonbeams this Weekend!

EarthSky shares that since the radiant - the point in the sky from which the meteors appear to radiate - for the Geminid Meteor Shower rises in mid-evening, you can watch for these meteors all night long in the days before & after the evenings of December 13-14.
Twilight's Last Gleaming by Mark Smith

NOAA 2025 Winter Outlook calls for warmer, wetter winter for Leelanau

The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released their seasonal outlook for Winter 2024-2025
Sleeping Bear Bay by Mark Smith

Happy 54th Birthday, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore!

54 years ago today the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore became the third US National Lakeshore.
County Road Ends at Water by Glen Arbor Sun

County Road Ends at Water

A perfect reminder for everyone to pay attention to your driving & traffic laws as we head into the Labor Day Weekend.
Rite of Passage Part 2 by Captures by Ethan

Rite of Passage on the Manitou Passage

An incredible photo of the Northern Lights dancing over the Manitou Passage in Lake Michigan last night from Sleeping Bear Point.
Perseid Meteor Shower over Otter Creek by Captures By Ethan

Perseid Meteors & Northern Lights this weekend!!

The Perseid meteor shower is fast approaching the peak AND there is a chance for Northern Lights as well!!!

Milo, Morazan, Manitou

If you love the Great Lakes and aren’t yet following the exploits of Milo’s owner, Great Lakes shipwreck explorer Chris Roxburgh, then today is your lucky day!!
Dancing Northern Lights by Ethan Honke

Fireworks, but quieter

As we get ready for the fireworks, don't forget about the other nighttime lightshow - the aurora borealis!! They are very possible tonight.
Lake Michigan ... strawberry moon by Ken Scott Photography

Summer Solstice & the Strawberry Moon

The summer solstice is the point when the sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky & the moment that summer officially begins.
Piping Plover Chick by Bill VanderMolen

Park Protects Piping Plover

If you’re on the Lake Michigan shore in Sleeping Bear this weekend, there’s a chance you may see one of these small shorebirds scurrying along the water’s edge with some unique legwear.
Northern Lights dancing over Christmas Cove by Captures By Ethan

Northern Lights over Cathead Bay

Captures By Ethan shared this stunning photo from Christmas Cove Beach of the Aurora Borealis dancing over Lake Michigan on Monday night.
Super Blue Moon over Northport Bay 8-30-23 by Mark Morton

Super Blue Moon over Northport Bay

Did you get a chance to see the moon last night? If not, Mark has you covered!!