Mr Coyote
Coyotes are found in every county in Michigan including Leelanau!

NOAA 2025 Winter Outlook calls for warmer, wetter winter for Leelanau
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released their seasonal outlook for Winter 2024-2025

2024 Firearm Deer Season starts today!
The 2024 Firearm Deer Season began this morning on the Leelanau Peninsula and runs through November 30th.

The Dogman returns just in time for Halloween!!!
The Dogman of Michigan is a spooky Michigan tale that’s near & dear to my heart…

Happy 54th Birthday, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore!
54 years ago today the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore became the third US National Lakeshore.

Get ready for the Comet of the Century!
The Planetary Society shares that some astronomers are referring to the newly discovered Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas as "the comet of the century.”

Perseid Meteors & Northern Lights this weekend!!
The Perseid meteor shower is fast approaching the peak AND there is a chance for Northern Lights as well!!!

Milo, Morazan, Manitou
If you love the Great Lakes and aren’t yet following the exploits of Milo’s owner, Great Lakes shipwreck explorer Chris Roxburgh, then today is your lucky day!!

Looking Down Glen Lake Looks the Same
Even though things in our nation & world are absolutely bonkers right now, there's comfort in the fact that this view hasn't changed in the three years since Owen shared it.

Fireworks, but quieter
As we get ready for the fireworks, don't forget about the other nighttime lightshow - the aurora borealis!! They are very possible tonight.

Summer Solstice & the Strawberry Moon
The summer solstice is the point when the sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky & the moment that summer officially begins.

Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteer Training ~ Saturday, May 18th
If you are thinking about volunteering at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore but aren't sure where to start check out the Volunteer Training Day!