Rezoning Request in Empire … Denied

The Leelanau Enterprise reports that the Empire Township Zoning and Planning Commission has unanimously recommended denial of the request by Grand Rapids-area developer Joseph Moch to rezone the 338 acres from Agriculture-1 to Residential-2. The request will now go to the County Planning Commission for its review and recommendation, and would then be sent to the township board for action.

Read Planners reject Empire development rezoning in the Leelanau Enterprise and click “more” below for an article from the April 3rd Record-Eagle!

April 3, 2006 story

The Traverse City Record-Eagle reports that some Empire Township residents are worried that a potential rezoning of 338 acres would open the door for a high-density development. Grand Rapids-based developer Joseph Moch has requested rezoning of land that lies inside the township near the northeast edge of the village of Empire from agricultural residential, which requires a minimum lot size of 2 acres, to a residential district that calls for at least 15,000 square feet per lot.

Read Rezoning request raises worries in Empire in the Record-Eagle