In-depth with the new Leelanau Enterprise site
The latest issue of the Leelanau Enterprise has interesting and in-depth profiles eleven Leelanau residents: Ed Love, Steve Baker, Jim Wetherbee, Bob Ooley, Tim Lewis, Peter Miller, Richard Miller, Jenny Evans, Jackie Freeman. They also profiled two iconic Leelanau residents, “Editor” Nelson of the Leelanau Enterprise and Michigan legal pioneer Emilia Schaub (a member of the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame)
It’s probably a good opportunity to point out their still relatively new web site which we helped to build. Leelanau news & features are all organized so that you can check in on recent photos, the sports page or stories from Glen Arbor township with just a click.
The site also added a really cool real estate section with hundreds of Leelanau County real estate listings.
I would like to say that Sue Stoffel, Registrar of Deeds has always been helpful, and knowledgeable when I have called about my property in Leelanau County. It is the Registrar’s office that applies for grant money from state and federal government, and I would hate to see Leelanau County lose out on Grant money, by losing a working Registrar with so much experience. Please vote for Sue Stoffel as Registrar of Deeds and keep grant money coming into Leelanau County
The website isn’t there anymore! It just goes to some stupid real estate ad.
Yeah, they actually re-re-did their site, so nothing is where we said it was above!
WHY was the D H Warm Memorial POOL & Fitness center NOT mentioned in your fine article about Health in Leelanau County. week of 2-25-10 Many Letters were written a fwew months ago and turned down by YOU because it would be unfair for others. NOT Happy!