Insight and Inspiration Speaker Series: Linda Lindquist-Bishop

lindaLinda Lindquist-Bishop, a nationally and internationally recognized woman who has continually possessed athletic success in professional offshore yacht racing for the past 25 years will be at the Leland Public School Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 pm to give the first in a series of lectures presented by the Leland Educational Foundation. Illuminate, Entertain, and Inspire the community by providing an interaction with Leelanau’s many, often nationally recognized, local experts in their respective fields as these individuals bring the world to Leelanau while sharing how Leelanau has influenced their lives.
Tickets $10, Free Admission to students 12 yrs and up.
Tickets available at door or in advance at Leland Public School office.
Event is open to individuals 12 yrs and up.
Free childcare provided on site for individuals 11 yrs and under.
For more information contact 231.256.7084 or

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