Leelanau Almanac for the Week of March 5-11, 2009

Frozen Monsters, Empire Beach by jsorbieus

News from the Week

The weather was front and center in the news this week: the State celebrated the first freezing of Grand Traverse Bay with a Rich Brauer film and a we had that huge dump of snow! There was also a cool photo of a fox from the Why Leelanau? blog and a photo from my dad of maple sap in a bucket (along with some syrupy good links). We also continued our reports on Boys & Girls basketball.

The Week’s Weather

The week’s weather was a see-saw complete with an 18+ inch dump of snow on Sunday night that played the part of the bully who jumps off.

March 5, 2009: Sunny & 40s (48/30)
March 6, 2009:Partly  sunny & 50 (51/33)
March 7, 2009: Sunny & 40s (44/30)
March 8, 2009: Cloudy & 30s with 18+ inches of snow overnight! (41/27)
March 9, 2009: Sunny & 30s (37/16)
March 10, 2009: Mostly cloudy, light rain & 40s (47/29)
March 11, 2009: Mostly cloudy, very windy (40+ MPH) and 20s (45/17)

Here’s the Leelanau News Archive from March 2008.

<Leelanau Almanac for the Week of March 12-18, 2009

Leelanau Almanac for the Week of February 26 – March 4, 2009>