Recycling Fee Update
The Leelanau Enterprise reports that the executive committee of the Leelanau County Board of Commissioners will consider a recommendation from the county’s Solid Waste Council to approve imposition of a $29 per-household fee in the seven townships where voters approved the surcharge and ask for a voluntary payment of the fee from residents of the townships that rejected the measure.
I got a chuckle from this too:
Solid Waste Council chairman Bill Perkins noted that he had been criticized by an opponent of the county’s proposed recycling fee by suggesting that those who take their recyclables to Grand Traverse County or anywhere they have not paid for recycling services were like “shoplifters.”
“Actually, I checked with the county prosecutor’s office, and ‘shoplifting’ is not the correct term – so I apologize,” Perkins said. “The correct term, I am told, is ‘larceny by conversion.'”
Read Recycling fee plan may be salvaged in the Leelanau Enterprise. Photo credit: Before Recycling by Ed Karjala.