This Week in Leelanau: September 30, 2010

Read on for the news, events and other happening from this week in Leelanau. You can get it delivered fresh and hot to your inbox by signing up at the top right of this page!

This Week in Leelanau

Fall Color Report: Fall color is starting to get good. There’s still a lot of green out there but we’re seeing lots of yellows along with more and more oranges and reds. Some spots, such as M-22 south of Leland are very close to peak while others are still waiting to turn.

The Whaleback


Fall is the best time for hiking on the Leelanau Peninsula, and one of my personal favorite hiking locations is Whaleback, known also as Carp Point. This distinctive point juts into Lake Michigan just south of Leland and forms the north point of Good Harbor Bay. When viewed from the north or south along the shoreline or just offshore, it is shaped like a beached whale, but I was told as a kid that Whaleback is actually named for its resemblance to a style of ship common on the Great Lakes called a whaleback.

Can anyone confirm or deny? If so, head over to and post your comment!

Norm Wheeler of the Glen Arbor Sun offered the following poem by the late poet Max Ellison, founder of the Stone Circle near Elk Rapids that I wanted to share with you…

Michigan My Michigan

He spread a bolt of pineland beneath a canopy of blue,
Then appliquéd the rivers with his hand.
He mixed a dream with a vision for a host of pioneers
Who had started out to settle on the land.
He took the thunder from the mountains, the west wind from the plains,
The glory from the sunset, and it’s true,
He blended in the music the pine tree always sings when it’s summer
And the wind is passing through.
He hollowed out some valleys, spread some mirrors down for lakes,
Mixed some iron and some copper with the sand.
But he couldn’t call it Eden, he had used that name before,
Then an Indian whispered:
“Call it Mich-i-gan, Mich-i-gan, Michigan!”

Aurora Borealis Designs invites you to visit them online or at their Leland Studio overlooking Fishtown for original beach glass and “Leland Blue” jewelry. Annie also specializes in custom jewelry for that perfect holiday gift.
The last Wednesday of every month on Absolute Michigan is a “Weird Wednesday” when we check in with Weird Michigan author Linda Godfrey for a story of the strange and unexplained. While we’re starting to accept that cougars are once again roaming the woods and wilds of Michigan, what do we think about Michigan’s Mystery Cats? The Gogomain Swamp south of Sault Ste. Marie in 1954 was when the ebon-furred creature clawed its way into the Wolverine State’s consciousness. Read on for more!

Jeff Gaydash (who took that gorgeous Whaleback photo above) also has a cool study of the Rouge Plant in Detroit on Michigan in Pictures.

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This week’s photo was taken by Stacy , who writes that she spotted this “King of the Hill” near Maple City in October of 2008. Check out this and other shots in her Most Interesting slideshow.

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The Leelanau Calendar

If you’ve got a Leelanau event, you can add your information (for free) to the Leelanau Calendar. Not only will it be listed in this newsletter every week, but we may do a feature story on your event on!

10th Annual Fiber Festival at the Old Art Building ~ October 8th

The Leelanau Community Cultural Center is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the annual Fiber Festival on Friday, October 8 from 5 to 8 pm and Saturday, October 9 from 10 am to 5 pm at the Old Art Building in Leland. Artists with original fiber art will exhibit and sell their work in mediums of paper, wearable art, textiles, weaving, art quilts, baskets, knits and yarns. Admission is free. Learn more!

State of the State’s Energy Infrastructure with John Sarver
The Grand Vision Energy Working Group invites you to the first of a series of forums titled “Focus on Energy” addressing topics important to our vital regional energy needs. The forums will pro
vide forward- looking conversation highlighting the energy-related challenges and potential solutions that require our focused attention over the next few years. The first forum takes place next Tuesday (October 5) from 7-9 PM at Northwestern Michigan College’s Oleson Center. Titled “State of the State’s Energy Infrastructure,” it features John Sarver, Manager of the Michigan Energy Office. Read more.

Empire Heritage Day ~ Saturday, October 9th
Heritage Day at the Empire Area Museum Complex in Empire will be celebrated on Saturday, October 9th, 2010 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. There will be demonstrations in the making of apple cider, ice cream, butter, apple butter, maple sugar candy, sauerkraut, surveying (the old fashion way) and other demonstrations using turn of the century methods. For more info, call Dave at 231-326-5519 or email.

2010 Leelanau Farmer’s Markets continue in Northport on Friday mornings and in Empire and Suttons Bay on Saturday mornings with lots of great produce and products available. Apples anyone? See the complete list on their website and check them out on Facebook

Sep 29 – Amy Falstrom:Painter
Sep 30 – Jason Mraz with special guest Robert Francis
Sep 30 – Artist-in-Residence presentation
Oct 1 – SwingShift and The Stars Dance-Off for Charity
Oct 2 – Happy Apple Days
Oct 2 – Tannahill Weavers in Concert
Oct 2 – Harvest Fest
Oct 3 – Make a Wish Motorcycle Color Tour
Oct 3 – David Grath Art Opening
Oct 4 – Coffee Hour with Dan Scripps
Oct 4 – Fall Watercolor Painting Workshop with Edee Joppich
Oct 4 – One Painting-Many Parts-Edee Joppich
Oct 5 – The Nite Kite Revival
Oct 7 – Wine & Dine With A VIew
Oct 7 – Late Night Leland
Oct 7 – Plein Air Paint Out
Oct 7 – Oryana Presents: A Toast to Local Farmers
Oct 8 – Blue October
Oct 8 – Leland Fiber Festival
Oct 11 – Traverse City Signature Chefs Auction
Oct 14 – Pat Willard:Photographer
Oct 15 – Autumn Dunes Eco-Photo Tour Weekend
Oct 16 – Northport Fall Festival
Oct 16 – Run For Ethiopia – Empire
Oct 17 – Northport Promise Second Annual Chicken Dinner
Oct 22 – Suttons Bay Art Walk

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Did we mention you could add your events forfree? Get busy folks!

Now Playing at the Bay Theater in Suttons Bay:’Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’ – continues thru Oct 7. Coming soon: ‘The Social Network’ and ‘Secretariat’ (PG) and ‘Get Low’ (PG-13). The Bay Film Series 2010/2011: Another year of great world cinema available right here in SuttonsBay, MI is now underway! The schedule for the film series has now been posted on the website. Mid-Week Specials are back!! Tuesdays – Free Popcorn (one medium corn with ticket purchase), Wednesdays – $5.50 for all seats (Specials are not valid for special events or film series). Bay Theatre Gift Certificates: ‘Say it with a Movie’ gift certificates provide a memorable and enjoyable experience all year ’round.Check the web site for details!

The Weather

Red and deliciousTrish snapped this shot yesterday at Tom and Marie Korson’s place. Applesauce sound good? Read all about it at her Adventures in Preserving and Canning blog!

It’s 68 degrees under mostly sunny skies at 2:20 PM at Leelanau Coffee Roasting in Glen Arbor. The record high for a September 30th was 89 degrees in 1922 with the record low of 26 set in 1945. The forecast for today calls for mostly sunny skies with highs in the mid to upper 60s. Expect mostly cloudy skies tomorrow with a high in the upper 50s. The weekend outlook calls for a chance of showers on Saturday with highs only around 50. Sunday expect mostly sunny skies and temps in the low 50s.

Click for the news & weather from last year!

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