What's in the Bay Anyway?
via the Grand Vision…
Dr. Mark Holley of Northwestern Michigan College will present a special talk on Monday, July 12 titled ‘What’s in the Bay Anyway?”. This presentation is sponsored by the Leelanau Clean Water group, and will begin at 6:30 pm with a social gathering/snacks with Dr. Holley speaking at 7 pm and providing a wonderful slideshow!
Highlights include a survey of submerged sites using new sector scanning equipment; underwater photos of old ship wrecks, forgotten dump sites, and projects that NMC students & staff have worked on in Greece, Ireland and Scotland. NMC has been selected as the site for the 2011, 2-week conference of the Nautical Archaeology Society-International Field School – an impressive honor.
PLEASE RSVP by calling 231-256-9812.
Photo credit: Early Dawn_4804 by ETCphoto