11th Annual Student Photography Competition

The Traverse Area Photography Club is hosting their 11th annual Student Photography Competition.

The Record Eagle reports:

Geared to spark young photographers, these enticing words blaze from posters advertising the 11th annual Student Photography Competition. A yearly event hosted by the Traverse Area Camera Club, the contest is open to students in grades 9-12 in Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau and Wexford counties.

With an entry deadline of Jan. 26, students are invited to enter up to three photos in the following categories: landscapes and waterscapes, architecture, human interest and photographer’s choice. Printed photos may be film or digital, black and white or color, Photoshopped or straight up — the sky’s the limit. Entries should be unframed and unmatted; it’s all about the image.

For more information, read the rest of the Record Eagle article here. Or visit the Traverse Area Photography Club’s website! Good luck to all the students!

Photo credit: Haven Steinebach, TC West Junior