County Facing $1 Million Shortfall

The Enterprise reports that the County Board voted 5-2 to direct county administrator David Gill to draft ballot language for an extra 1-mill property tax levy to help support county operations, including the emergency 9-1-1 system. The board is anticipating a nearly $1 million shortfall for the upcoming fiscal year and without additional revenue, Gill said the county would be forced to eliminate the positions of more than 17 fulltime employees and five part-time employees.

Read County eyes tax-hike vote in the Leelanau Enterprise.

1 reply
  1. BlingMomma
    BlingMomma says:

    Hello Leelanau Blog and Bloggers –

    I’d like to see a blog started about the current investigation going on which puts David Gill and the Inspections Office under the microscope.

    While the news headline in the Leelanau Enterprise last week was big and bold – there is a lot more to the story.

    Can we get a blogging session going? Thanks!!

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