Platte Plains Hiking & Ski Trails
The14-mile Platte Plains Trail traverses pine-hardwood forest with occasional open fields. The trail is laid out in a series at loops so that skiers can choose an appropriate portion of the trail based on their time and energy.
- The 4.5 mile Otter Creek Loop is mainly flat with a few gentle slopes with views of Otter Creek and Otter Lake. Part of the trail follows county roads and is shared with snowmobiles.
- The 3.6-mile easy loop follows a winding course across gently rolling hills and affords access to Deer, Bass and Otter Lakes.
- A .7-mile intermediate trail leading from the M-22 trailhead to the 3.6-mile loop has an equal mix of short uphills and downhills, giving a roller coaster feeling. This trail cuts across ancient dunes, now forested, that formed when Great Lake levels were higher.
- The 6-mile loop contains a .8-mile advanced section with steep hills and sharp curves. The remainder of the trail is rated easy, having only gentle hills and curves. It also affords access to a Lake Michigan overlook.
Information provided in part by Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore