Hello world!

This is where Leelanau.com starts anew.

For the past 10 years, we’ve brought you news, feature stories, information and photos from Leelanau County and northern Michigan. We’d like to do it for (at least) another 10 years, and we’d like your help.

When we started this, the internet was understood by few. Today, all kinds of people are adding to our understanding of the world around us. Young, old, Leelanau residents, visitors and friends – to anyone who just plain loves this place: we want to work with you, to have some fun, to tell each other great stories and show each other wonderful sights.

We know it will take a little time for us (and you!) to figure out how this all works, but we’re confident that the immediacy of the blog format, the fact that it allows us to easily add photos, links and much more and the way it engages everyone in discussion make it the way to go.

1 reply
  1. Andrew McFarlane
    Andrew McFarlane says:

    Anybody can log in and comment on anything.

    Leelanau.com is rated “E” for everyone and “G” for “Gee you better keep your language, tone, links and demeanor suitable for and audience that starts with a precocious 9-year-old and ends with your grandmother”.

    There will be no warnings and probably no second chances. Be nice or go elsewhere. If this is not acceptable, do not post.

    It’s a big free internet out there and there are many places you can act however you want. This is not one of them.

    Sorry to sound mean – just wanted to be clear!

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