Leelanau Almanac for the Week of December 18-24, 2008
Sugar Loaf by Pierre Bourgault
News from the Week
News from the week included some last minute holiday shopping resources and the winning of the NCAA Championship for the second straight year by Leland grad Alisha Glass and her Penn State volleyball team. We also had a cool photo of Fishtown and a nice holiday wreath.
The Week’s Weather
The week’s weather was par for December 2008: cold, windy, snowy, cloudy & cold (it was really cold).
December 18, 2008: Flurries & teens (22/6)
December 19, 2008: Heavy snow, windy & teens (23/1)
December 20, 2008: Partly sunny & very cold (19/-7)
December 21, 2008: Heavy snow & 20 (23/16)
December 22, 2008: Light snow & teens (19/10)
December 23, 2008: Light snow & teens (25/10)
December 24, 2008: Heavy, wet snow & 30 (31/25)
Be sure to check out the above photo out bigger!
Click for the Leelanau News Archive from December 2007 and post your comments about the week (news, weather, whatever) below!
Weather Resources
Weather Underground is just about as old as the internet (the first net weather service) and is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sometimes the above banner will show personal weather system data from Leland, sometimes from Leelanau Coffee and sometimes it comes from a vineyard on Old Mission (it tells you which in the top left of the page it links to).
Bouy 45002 in Lake Michigan is located halfway between North Manitou Island and Washington Island in Lake Michigan. It provides wind and wave data. Also check out Michigan Sea Grant Coastwatch for water temps (the “early evening” images in their archive will give you a better idea of actual temps during peaks swimming hours … in seasons where you might actually want to swim!).