Leelanau Almanac for the Week of May 22-28, 2008

Blue Sky and Blossoms and Bokeh by Andy McFarlane

Blue Sky and Blossoms and Bokeh by Andy McFarlane (Cherry Blossoms 2008 set)

News from the Week

The week’s top story was the 2008 Tour de Leelanau. Taylor Tolleson of BMC took first place in the very close men’s race (followed by Bissell riders Ben Jacques-Maynes and Teddy King) while the women’s race was won handily by Anne Samplonius of Cheerwine, who finished over 2 minutes ahead of teammate Leigh Hobson and Joanne Kiesanowski (Tibco).

The Week’s Weather

The week’s weather was pretty chilly, including a record low that brought some frost that will likely impact 2008 fruit crops.

May 22, 2008: Mostly cloudy & 50s (55/42)
May 23, 2008: Partly sunny, brief showers & 60 (61/39)
May 24, 2008: Sunny & low 60s (63/36)
May 25, 2008: Partly sunny, some rain and upper 70s (79/39)
May 26, 2008: Some sun, some rain and 80s (82/42)
May 27, 2008: Mostly cloudy & 40s (51/37)
May 28, 2008: Overnight frost (63/28) (Record low, we even heard of a 25 degree reading!)

Click for the Leelanau news archive from May 2007 and also the May 2008 page.