Regional Energy Expo a Success!
The Grand Vision reports that the inaugural Regional Energy Expo was a resounding success that drew almost 1500 people to NMC’s new Aero Park Laboratories to learn about all manner of issues and products related to energy.
Practical information on everything from solar power and wind energy to developing home energy sources like wood pellet burning appliances for home heating was on display. Energy experts in these and other fields were on hand to answer questions and explain new and familiar technologies to those in attendance.
CEO of Kirtland Products Leon Tupper was delighted at the turnout. Kirtland specializes in home heating devices fueled by the burning of wood pellets. A technology widely used in Sweden where wood pellets are used to heat entire municipalities, this form of energy is relatively new to the US. “The Expo is going great and we are surprised at the turnout for a first year event. People didn’t come here by accident. Everyone we’ve spoken to is interested in renewable energy and they are informed and knowledgeable which is making this really enjoyable. We are getting great feedback and perspectives.” Leon said.
Here’s a video report from the Expo:
Photo Credit: 2011 Regional Energy Expo by farlane
When will TC get a real college? And not this college prep NMC school.