Shutdown Update: Sleeping Bear Dunes Restores Accessibility
Pyramid Petey by Heather Higham
The Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore announces that areas of the park will once again be accessible to visitors in the coming days. They write:
Some visitor services, including plowing of trailhead parking lots and cleaning of restrooms will resume using revenue generated by recreation fees. Visitors should visit the park website at while planning their visit to get the latest information on accessibility and available services.
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore law enforcement rangers will be on duty for the duration of the lapse in appropriations.
National Park Service officials have determined that recreation fee revenue collected under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act may be used to immediately bring back park maintenance crews to plow trail head parking lots, clean restrooms, and remove trash. This will allow the National Park Service to restore accessibility to the park for visitors while ensuring their health and safety.
Outdoor areas of the park will remain accessible. The visitor center in Empire and all other facilities will remain closed.
“We greatly appreciate the generous contributions of Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes who have provided assistance with restrooms and trash during the lapse in appropriations,” said park superintendent Scott Tucker. “Their efforts have contributed significantly to our ability to restore access and basic services to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.”
While basic visitor services have been restored, other services may be limited or unavailable during the lapse in appropriations, including visitor centers, ranger talks and programs.
Heather took this photo back in January of 2016. See more in her Sleeping Bear Dunes album and definitely follow her at Snap Happy Gal on Facebook!