The Leelanau Almanac

For the latest Leelanau & Traverse City weather you can use the resources on this page.

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More Weather Resources

Please also check the less pessimistic forecast)

Glen Arbor, Michigan Forecast from Ann Arbor based wunderground

Weather Underground is just about as old as the internet (the first net weather service) and is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sometimes the above banner will show personal weather system data from Leelanau Coffee in Glen Arbor, sometimes from Leland and sometimes it comes from a vineyard on Old Mission (it tells you which in the top left of the page it links to).

Buoy 45002 in Lake Michigan is located halfway between North Manitou Island and Washington Island in Lake Michigan. It provides wind and wave data. Also check out Michigan Sea Grant Coastwatch for water temps (the “early evening” images in their archive will give you a better idea of actual temps during peaks swimming hours … in seasons where you might actually want to swim!).

5 replies
  1. Andrew McFarlane
    Andrew McFarlane says:

    Despite yet another gloomy outlook, we had a great weekend of weather, prompting me to wonder if our weather forecasters are paid by the “We Hate Northern Michigan’s Tourist Industry Association”. Seriously, it’s not that hard to say “partly sunny” instead of “partly cloudy” and that can make a world of difference in people’s weekend plans.

  2. Burlington Weather
    Burlington Weather says:

    Not very good news for N’rn Michigan for Thursday and Friday. I’m expecting winds to hit 35-40kts across the lakes. It should be really nice for Saturday as the ridge axis punches through the region.

  3. Keisha
    Keisha says:

    I’m really sorry the old cottonwood is coming down but if it’s dead it’s not going to come back to life. I’m glad to hear that new trees will be planted in its honor.

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