This Week in Leelanau: July 8, 2010
Every week we send out a super-cool email newsletter that you can get if you sign up for our email at the top right – here’s this week’s!
![]() It’s been hot, it’s been humid but fortunately, Leelanau is rich in lakes!! This email is abbreviated because … well … it’s summer out there! Leelanau Cherries are Ready to Pick!
Read on for more including some easy cherry recipes! OUR FEATURED SPONSOR…
![]() Get all kinds of information about the Sleeping Bear Dunes including trail maps, attractions and photo galleries. The site also offers tips on where to eat, stay and shop and other trip planning ideas! |
The Leelanau Calendar
Featured events!
Leelanau Artists Market (July 10)
Annual art & craft sale at the Old Art Building in Leland.
What’s in the Bay Anyway? (July 12)
Underwater archaeologist Dr Mark Holley tells you what’s in Grand Traverse Bay.
Green Cuisine A celebration of local and sustainable food, wine, beer, products and services!
2010 Leelanau Farmer’s Markets are underway in Glen Arbor, Lake Leelanau, Leland, Northport and Suttons Bay. They offer you a chance to get out and connect with farmers and other folks who produce food in Leelanau County. You can also connect with Leelanau Farmer’s Markets on Facebook!
Did we mention you could add your events for free? Get busy folks!
Now Playing at the Bay Theater in Suttons Bay: ‘Toy Story 3’ (G) ends today 7/8. Starting Friday 7/9 ‘The Karate Kid (PG). Coming soon: ‘Inception’ (PG-13), ‘Eat, Pray, Love (R), “Girl Who Played With Fire’ (NR) and information on the ‘The Bay Select Film Series 2010/2011’. Bay Theatre Gift Certificates: ‘Say it with a Movie’ gift certificates provide a memorable and enjoyable experience all year ’round. Check the web site for details!
It’s 77 degrees under mostly cloudy skies at 2:30 PM at Leelanau Coffee Roasting in Glen Arbor. The record high for a July 8th is a whopping 104 degrees from the summer of ’36. The low of 43 was set in 1954. The forecast for today calls for a chance of light showers this afternoon but skies clearing. Expect sunny skies Friday with highs around 80. The weekend outlook calls for sunny skies Saturday and Sunday with highs in the mid to upper 80s – hooray!
Click for the news & weather from last year!
What ahhapend to the comment list on the right side of the New”Blog page? Specifically the Sugar Loaf running comments? What did you do Andrew?
Sorry – working on the blog. We should have it fixed soon!
Understand you’re working hard Andrew. Keep up the good work.
Where is the Sugar Loaf info? Will the recent posts on any subjecvt be shjown on the right hand side of teh main New/Blog?