Great Lakes Friends of Safe Passage Esperanza 5K and Fiesta 2010
“We all think we have problems, but you come here and you see what problems are really like.”
Join others in 12 locations around the world including Traverse City this Saturday, September 25th to walk or run 5K (or just come to a Fiesta) and change a child’s life! Great Lakes Friends of Safe Passage will host Esperanza 5K and Fiesta 2010 on Sept. 25th at the beautiful Grand Traverse Commons, located at 11th St. and Elmwood in Traverse City. Following the 11:00am 5K run/walk and 1-mile walk, the 5th annual Fiesta (12:00 – 2 p.m.) on the Village at GT Commons lawn will feature food and beverages, live music, Guatemalan craft market, video and slides, and much information about Safe Passage programs.
Visit their web site for details, email or call 231-590-6072.
Safe Passage is a non-profit that educates at-risk children of impoverished families working in the Guatemala City garbage dump. The 5K will unite runners and walkers worldwide in bringing hope to families seeking better lives. Here’s a video to take you a little deeper: