Help the Leelanau Farmers Markets celebrate 10 years!

leelanau farmers marketsThe Leelanau Farmers Markets are celebrating 10 years with an anniversary celebration at the Suttons Bay Farmers Market on Saturday, August 28 beginning at 10:30. The celebration includes music, children’s activities, prizes and refreshments.

As always, the market will feature local produce and products, all grown or produced within 60 miles of the markets. Customers can expect to find for purchase fresh local fruits and vegetables, cut flowers, pastured pork, eggs, honey, dried fruits, maple syrup, lavender, baking mixes, soups, granola, art, soaps, jewelry, knitted items, baked goods and more.

The Leelanau Farmers Markets began in the summer season of 2001 with help from the Leelanau Agricultural Alliance and MSU Extension with the goal of improving the marketing of local farm products and preserving county farmland. There are now 6 markets in beautiful Leelanau County. The markets are an important part of local agriculture and bringing business to the towns in which they reside.

Photo “Bare Knuckle Farm – Jess Piskor” by Leelanau Farmers Markets – see more on Facebook!