Indiana Jones and the Odyssey of the Mind!

On Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 6 PM the Bay Theatre in Suttons Bay will present a special premiere showing of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Rated PG-13).

Leland Division 1 and 2 Odyssey of the Mind teams both captured 1st place at the regional and state competitions and now move on to the Odyssey of the Mind World Competition at the University of Maryland (May 31-June 4th). At the state competition, they proved they were up to the challenge of the competition by holding a combined weight of 771 pounds with just 36 grams of balsa wood and they are seeking the help of the community in raising funds for the trip.

You will be able to do just that by purchasing a special advance ticket for only $5! ($6.50 at the door) We have devised an exciting contest where the audience will try to beat the 771 pound weight by filling a treasure chest. Every $1 will equal 1 pound and everyone in attendance will get a chance to guess the total “weight” of all the dollars, cents and checks given, with the closest guesses winning movie posters, cds and other fabulous prizes!

Tickets may be purchased at the Leland Public School office, from any of the 14 team members or by calling Merry Hawley @ 432-0011.

More about Leland Odyssey of the Mind. Poster by Fred DeMarco.