Leelanau Almanac for the Week of May 21-27, 2009

Rows of blossoms

Rows of blossoms, photo by newsgirl23

News from the Week

Stories this week included an overview of the nationally significant features of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (part of our summerlong feature on the Lakeshore), the upcoming and inaugural M-22 Challenge, a feature & photo on this weekend’s relighting ceremony at the South Manitou Lighthouse and a sweet photo of the Barratt Barn on Port Oneida.

The Week’s Weather

This week we finally got some heavy rain but we also enjoyed a beautiful Memorial Day weekend. Lilacs were out and cherry blossoms too! Leave your comments about the news, events or anything else about this week below!

May 21, 2009: Rain & 80 (80/51)
May 22, 2009: Partly sunny & low 60s (65/48)
May 23, 2009: Mostly sunny & 70s (74/45)
May 24, 2009: Sunny & 60s (65/41)
May 25, 2009: Mostly sunny & 70s (72/34)
May 26, 2009: Rain & 50s (59/49)
May 27, 2009: Heavy rain (1.65 inches!) & 50s (56/48)

Get more events (and add your own) at the Leelanau Calendar. Check out today’s weather and the Leelanau News Archive from May 2008.

Leelanau Almanac for the Week of May 14-20, 2009 and the Leelanau Almanac for the Week of May 28 –  June 3, 2009.

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