Leelanau Almanac: Week of May 27-June 2

Photo: Barn in spring by Happyhiker4

We hope everyone had a fun and safe Memorial Weekend! Due to the short week, we only featured a couple of events. Next week is TART’s Smart Commute Week. Check out alternative ways to get around town while enjoying free breakfasts and having fun. Speaking of fun, the annual Leland Wine & Food Festival is on June 12. Enjoy local food, wine, and music at the Leland Marina.

Week’s Weather

June 2: Mostly cloudy & 64 (72/56)
June 1: Mostly sunny & 66 (85/47)
May 31: Rain & 65 (77/52)
May 30: Mostly sunny & 76 (91/60)
May 29: Mostly sunny & 65 (80/50)
May 28: Mostly sunny & 68 (80/56)
May 27: Mostly sunny & 77 (77/55)

Post your comments about the week’s news, observations of the weather or the natural world or events below! You’ll also want to check out the Leelanau Calendar and the latest news and features from Leelanau, Traverse City and the surrounding area in our blog! Here’s the May 2009 and June 2009 archives, and Leelanau Almanac: Week of May 20 – 26.