Leelanau Players present Steel Magnolias to benefit diabetes organization

leelanau-players-steel-magnoliasThe Leelanau Players production of Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling will take place the last two weeks of February at Leland School’s auditorium. The performances take place February 20-22 & 26-28.

Proceeds from the show will benefit the Ryan Dobry Diabetes Charity, an organization that works to educate the public and help fund some of the medical needs of diabetics in Northern Michigan.

You can buy tickets online through the Leelanau Players and read an article about it in the Leelanau Enterprise that begins:

It’s no coincidence that the Leelanau Players’ next production will be Steel Magnolias. The play is set in the South and centers around the lives of six women, including a young woman who has diabetes.

Kristy VerSnyder of Lake Leelanau, a member of the theater group’s board of directors, has been dealing with diabetes for most of her life. She said that March will be the 20th anniversary of her diagnosis of the disorder.

“It has been tough at times, especially when I was young. I wasn’t invited to some of my friend’s houses because their parents didn’t know what to do when my blood sugar level would get low,” she said, adding that Leelanau Players often performs benefits for non-profit groups. “We have talked about doing something related to diabetes and this year seemed to be as good a time as any.”