Leelanau.com redesign
After what I think we can all agree was “entirely too long” designer Fred DeMarco and the staff of Leelanau.com has unveiled a new design for the Leelanau.com home page.
If you want to look back through the years to see where we’ve been and what we’ve done, check out the Internet Archive’s Leelanau.com section. They have most of our 12 year career, from “The Black Period” of ’96, through a brief flirtation with red and the “Putting Stuff in Cut-out Boxes” fad, to the dawn of the Blue Age (also known as “Remember when Sugar Loaf was a ski hill and not a county embarassment?”) right on past the Days when Things Looked the Same but there were Less of Them to What Could Have Been Yesterday – it’s all there.
If you want to look forward, stay tuned because we’ve got a whole bunch more that we will be rolling out before the summer is over!