Grandview Parkway heading into Traverse City by Team Elmers

Grandview Parkway is complete in Traverse City

Grandview Parkway by Team Elmers

Grandview Parkway by Team Elmers

While this isn’t technically a Leelanau photo, it’s super welcome news from Elmer’s that at long last, the reconstruction of Grandview Parkway (M-22 ) in Traverse City is complete!! They share (in part):

Completing this monumental project weeks ahead of schedule came down to not only having the most skilled individuals in the right places at the right times from engineers to crews to contractors but having the most supportive, understanding and graceful community to see us through.

It is with the deepest gratitude we say THANK YOU. Thank you to every person, Team Elmer’s Employee Owner and invited guest, who had a hand in deconstructing and rebuilding the Grandview Parkway. From your commitment to safety to your sacrifice away from your family for long hours and working over nights at times – we thank you for your dedication to every aspect of completing the project.

To our incredible community, thank you for keeping yourselves, each other and our crews safe passing through the construction area. Thank you to each of you who kept a positive outlook when you were inconvenienced by the delays. Thank you to each of you who spoke encouragement over the project out in the community. Thank you to each of you who kept your faith in our ability to complete the project safely, efficiently and in a timely manner. We see you and appreciate you.

Three cheers to the Elmer’s crew and another few for smoother trips into TC!!

Grandview Parkway heading into Traverse City by Team Elmers