Omena to elect first ever Mayor

The political energy is high in Omena this week, as candidates and their campaign managers, start the fast and furious campaign for the first ever Omena Mayor to be elected Sunday, July 19.  With over 27 candidates, the competition is fierce.  But wait…candidates include a snail?  A horse?  Some cats?  And over twenty dogs?  Next it will be donkeys and elephants.

The Omena Mayoral election is actually a fundraiser for the Omena Historical Society, modeled after a similar election in Rabbit Hash, KY.  Nominees are any living pet of any genus or species that is a resident of Omena.  Voting started on Saturday, July 11, and will continue through Saturday, July 18. Everyone, not just Omena residents, are encouraged to vote. Chicago voting rules are in effect, which means that voters may vote as early and as often as they wish as long as the cash and checks are good. Ballots, which are $1.00 each, and pictures of the candidates are available in two Omena locations: the Putnam-Cloud Tower House and the lobby of Leelanau Wine Cellars/Knot, Just A Bar. The daily election tally will be posted in front of the Putman – Cloud Tower House.

A parade of all the candidates will take place on Sunday, July 19 at Noon, beginning at M22 & Isthmus Rd, ending at Omena Point Rd beach park. The winner will be announced at the end of the parade, with inauguration celebrations with an Oompah Band, an ice cream social, and special events will follow. For more information, visit the Omena Historical Society site.

Photo: Omena Post Office, Courtesy Omena Historical Society

1 reply
  1. laura
    laura says:

    Just wanted congratulate the new mayor of Omena, Tucker Joyce!!! And Congratulations to the Omena Historical Society for raising more then $5000!!!

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