Walk to Cure Diabetes Kickoff & Concert
There will be a benefit concert and kickoff party for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk to Cure Diabetes. The concert features Blind Dog Hank and takes place on Friday September 26, 7:00 PM at the InsideOut Gallery in Traverse City (229 Garland St).
Everyone is welcome with a $10 donation requested at the door and all proceeds go direct to funding research to cure Juvenile Diabetes.
For more information about the show, go to www.Insideoutgallery.com, or call Geno or Peggy Miller at 231-256-7473. Click here for information about the Walk to Cure Diabetes!
Most people get Diabetes because of the lack of exercise and overeating. We should be more aware of our lazy lifestyles and start exercising regulary to avoid Type II Diabetes.