March 2008
I’ve been thinking that it would be nice to have a place where people can post a little note about a cool event, mention something interesting in the news or natural world or just say something about the weather. Here’s our first for March of 2008 and we’ll post a new one each month!
The photo is Yellow Plane by Andy McFarlane. It was taken on March 17, 2006 on North Lake Leelanau just outside Leland and I have it on good authority that it’s pretty much his favorite photo ever.
Here’s the April 2008 page.
Don Julin sent in the following:
I would like to invite you all to Poppycocks (downtown Traverse City) every Friday & Saturday night to experience some of the areas finest musicians in a smoke free environment. The food and wine is great! Music starts at 9pm. See You there!
7- Neptune Trio
8- Janice Keegan Trio
14 – Neptune Trio
15 – Bill Sears Trio
21 – Don Julin, Kevin Gills, Angelo Meli
22- Don Julin, Ron Getz, Jack Dryden
28 – Crispin Campbell, Don Julin, Glenn Wollf
29 – Janice Keegan Quartet
Congratulations to Leelanau student Hannah Schaub who was one of the top spellers at the Grand Traverse Regional Spelling Bee!
The Farmers Lament!
We found out this past week that the taxes here at the farm
were increased greatly – so much so in fact
that there is no way we will ever be able to afford them –
Not sure what they are thinking – as they have done it to every farmer in the area – they are taking a lot of the farms that have land that has ALWAYS been ag and rezoning them 401 Residential – even if the land is a “swamp”
but don’t try to build there because another dept of the gov. says you can’t!
That means there is going to be a flood of farms on the
market & no one to buy them because they will be unable to afford the increased tax!
The powers that be claim they want to preserve the farm land but do they really? They are raising taxes to the point that only developers and seasonal residents
can afford to be here?? They are driving the long time farmers from a life they have always known –
What do you think they will do if the cannot farm –
NOT all of them dreamed of “some beach, some where”
They have also made it so that their children cannot afford to pay taxes on the farms (even if they were to inherit them ) – once they change names on the deed –
the tax rate goes to what the farm would be valued at today!
That in most cases means double or tripling the taxes!
Sure we could put our lands in the Preservation but that is NOT the point- is it!! Sad that they would rather have Condos growing instead of trees!
We are fairly young farmers – we started out w/ grand dreams of helping to keep the land as it is, pristine farm land filled the the mooing of cattle,the roosters crowing YES – the “Roosters of Suttons Bay”
The fragrant blooms of the abundance of fruit blossoms in the spring air – – Fields golden with glow of a plentiful harvest.
Peepers peepin in the low lands – Pastures rolling thru areas where there are few trees –
Growing quietly a better food product for those seeking a better healthier, simpler(?) life style
YES its hard physical labor from sun up to past sun down not hugely rewarding in the monetary way
but so rewarding in so many other areas -an honest way to make a living – We sleep good at night!
Tourists travel these country roads – a brief reprieve from their busy city life
– a quiet sigh – as they catch glimpses of “Big Blue” thru the blossoms on the cherry trees –
or the blanket of white and pink when all is in bloom –
For every season of Leelanau has it’s own beauty… sun glistening off the snow covered pines.
Soon the only view they will have is Condos as they rise up
each one fighting for its view of “Blue” only to find it marred with the shape of some man made structure — Look out Miami – “You ain’t seen nothing yet!!”
We gave it our best shot but they took us out of ag. we will be moving…
We will still be in the county but further south where
farmers and their quality are a a bit more affordable & appreciated!
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
& until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
It’s the first day of spring … can somebody go tell Mother Nature?
The Enterprise has a great article on Jordan Gibson He’s a young man I know well, and is impressive for a lot more than just his ability to make someone my age look very bad on a basketball court.
Farmers – we need your voice –
Anyone in Leelanau Township or surrounding areas affected by the recent changes in thier property tax status from ag. to 401 res. please contact us at, Michelle McManus wants to hear from us – Thanks, Debra W
The National Weather Service review of March in Northern Michigan: