TODAY deadline for input on Port Oneida Plan!

Basch RdThe Glen Arbor Sun reminds you that today (December 17) is the last day to provide community input on Port Oneida to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. It’s too late for regular mail but you can You can submit comments on the Park’s website today! Sun editor Jacob Wheeler writes:

The Port Oneida Rural Historic District — the picturesque tapestry of late 19th century farms, fields and rolling hills, just east of Glen Arbor on M-22 — will soon have a Cultural Landscape Management Plan, which Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (the local branch of the National Park Service, or NPS) will develop together with an Environmental Assessment.

“The purpose of the Plan,” according to a Park press release, “is to explore the various ways in which the NPS might preserve cultural landscapes in the District in order to protect cultural resources and provide for visitor interpretive and recreational opportunities.”

But first, the Park wants public comments on how to best to preserve and celebrate Port Oneida. The National Lakeshore is especially interested in how you envision the landscape looking many years from now. Will some fields be allowed to return to mature forest? Will some fields be cultivated or planted with cover crops?

Photo Credit: Basch Rd by Marty Hogan

1 reply
  1. Susan Shields
    Susan Shields says:

    The SBDNP Administrators need to get other input from Federal/State/local GOvernments that have made their historical areas work. How best to preserve the area now that it has been abandonned for so many years is a challenge, however, Williamsburg, Gettysberg, Greenfield Village all have made their respective historical/cultural communities work.
    2.The rights of the current landowners in the area need to be respected and considered as their rights as primary over any “tourist” destination.
    3.TO try and get the buildings renovated, and then lease them back out to people, seems ridiculous considering they removed the origional land owners. I believe if there are plans to have any buildings leased or land leased, the origional owners/relatives must first be offered those rights.
    4.To grow crops and then compete with local markets/csa’s/farmers would be a mistake. I think the land and the areas should be left natural and be open for visitors.
    5.THe sacred cemetaries need to be left untouched and private.
    6. Stop spending money on “overdoing” these buildings….are copper gutters, cedar shakes and cedar siding really necessary? They are not authentic!!! Or archiecturally acurate. It is crazy!! What are you attempting to create here? Spending this kind of $$ and “reinventing reality” is too “Pleasantvillesque!

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