Entries by leelanau.com

Grand Traverse Lighthouse Lobsterfest Benefit

The Grand Traverse Lighthouse Museum will host their annual Lobster Fest Fundraiser on Thursday, August 20th from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. The event benefits the lighthouse foundation restoration project and features a dinner with fresh Maine lobster (or chicken), redskin potatoes, corn on the cob, cherry brownies, slaw, coffee, iced tea, beer or Leelanau wine.  Local […]

Leelanau Almanac for the Week of August 6 – August 12, 2009

This week’s stories included some great eventsFun Filled History Lessons from the Empire Area Museum, Woolsey Airport Fly In & Breakfast, and “LPVA Second Fridays” – Dog Days of Summer. We also featured Taste of Tuesday: The Cheese Shanty. And for Photo Friday: Ready for Harvest by danenmolly. Week’s Weather Aug 12: Sunny & 79 […]

"LPVA Second Fridays" – Dog Days of Summer

Many times when Leelanau residents think of wine tours and our fabulous wineries, they think of tourists and tourism.  The Leelanau Peninsula Vintners Association has planned special events in hopes to draw more locals to the tasting rooms, as well as the tourists.  Since April, they have hosted Second Fridays, on the 2nd Friday of […]

Woolsey Airport Fly In & Breakfast

The annual fly-in and breakfast at Woolsey Memorial Airport (four miles north of Northport on County Road 629) will be held Saturday, August 22 from 8 AM – noon. You may also drive-in of course and the breakfast fee is $8 adults ($4 children). In addition to small planes, there are also Coast Guard Helicopter […]

Photo Friday: Ready for Harvest by danenmolly

Cherry Festival has come and gone, but early August is still all about cherries in Leelanau, as danenmolly’s photo Ready for Harvest shows us.  Cherry trees are plump with fruit, family and friends work ’round the clock in the orchards, and trucks parade down the streets with their lugs full of cherries.  Check out more […]

Sugar Loaf vision results and EPA workshop

On June 24 and June 25, 250 participants attended a series of sessions to discuss the future vision of Sugar Loaf. Representatives from Kansas State University TAB program, and from MSU will present these results and a short video clip from the final visioning session on Tuesday, August 18 in the Lower Level of the […]