Leelanau Peninsula Wine, Food, and Music Festival
The annual Leelanau Peninsula Wine, Food, & Music Festival will be held this Saturday, August 13 from noon to 6 PM at Haserot Park in Northport. The event features wines from the Leelanau and Old Mission Peninsulas, one brewery and one hard cider vendor, music from Dawn Campbell and food from area restaurants. The $15 admission includes a souvenir glass and 2 wine-tasting tickets. For more information visit the Leelanau Peninsula Chamber of Commerce or call 231.271.9895.
Also in Northport on Saturday is the annual Northport Dog Parade, which starts promptly at 1 PM. The theme for the 2010 Dog Parade in Northport is “Dog Gone With the Wind”. The parade is open to all, but only those who have registered will be eligible for prizes. Advance registration is $5 and is available in Northport at Dog Ears Books, The Pot of Gold Re-sale Shop and the Old Mill Pond Inn. Late registration begins at noon on parade day and is $10 per dog. Judging takes place at the Mill Pond before the parade. Bring the kids, the dogs & the entire family. Prizes for all! For more information, please call David Chrobak at 231-386-7341.
While you are passing from the Dog Parade to the Wine Fest, stop by and play some games to help raise money for the Northport Promise.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
10:00am – 6:00pm
Between the Depot and the Wine Festival
Corner of Nagonaba & Bay
Northport, MI
Fun Games Of Skill To Raise Money For The Promise!
Putting Green – $1.00 per putt. Win a sleeve of golf balls if you make the putt!
Bean Bag Toss – 3 tosses for $1.00. Win $1 each time you put the bag in the hole. Win up to $3.00 per turn!
50/50 Raffle – 1 for $1.00/6 for $5.00. Drawing will be held at 6:00 pm.
Cookies! Bottled water! Popcorn! Sweet cherries!
when is the wine festival this year-2010? Thank you!!!!
The Festival happens August 14, 2010!
I trust the Dog parade is also on the 14th? Is that Dixieland type band playing again?? I hope so