Lake Michigan: Pearl of America

Here's a video that features a visit to the Sleeping Bear shore…

Fishtown Webcam from the Cove!

I ran into Sean Wanroy the other day, and he wondered if I'd…

Surfing Leelanau … and the Great Lakes

Surfing, Leelanau Style, photo by Andy McFarlane Today on Absolute…

Morel Hunting Season in Leelanau and Northern Michigan

With last night's rain, the morels should be popping in the woods…

Sleeping Bear Dunes management plan meetings this week!

The Glen Arbor Sun reminds us that the Sleeping Bear Dunes National…

Empire beach grant coming, other state funds in limbo

This week's Enterprise reports that the $481,200 grant awarded…

Spring Peepers!

Last night and this morning the peepers were out in full strength.…